Mark specs pending or skipped for specific Ruby engine (e.g. MRI or JRuby) / version combinations.

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Easiest to just show you:

it("blah is blah") do
  pending_for(engine: "rbx")
  pending_for(engine: "ruby", versions: "2.1.5")
  pending_for(engine: "jruby", versions: "2.2.2", reason: "due to a bug in Ruby")
  pending_for(engine: "ruby", versions: "2.0.0", reason: "because I don't have the time")
  expect("blah").to eq "blah"


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-pending_for'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec-pending_for


The gem auto-configures itself for use in your Rspec suite. Just add this line to yous spec_helper.rb:

require 'rspec/pending_for'

To mark a spec pending for a specific ruby engine, and/or versions:

it("blah is blah") do
  pending_for(engine: "ruby", versions: "2.1.5")
  expect("blah").to eq "blah"

To skip a spec for a specific ruby engine, and/or versions:

it("blah is blah") do
  skip_for(engine: "ruby", versions: "2.1.5")
  expect("blah").to eq "blah"

To mark a spec pending for all versions of a given engine:

it("blah is blah") do
  pending_for(engine: "jruby")
  expect("blah").to eq "blah"

To mark a spec pending for a custom reason (overriding the default message):

it("blah is blah") do
  pending_for(engine: "jruby", reason: "This does not work on JRuby")
  expect("blah").to eq "blah"

To mark a spec pending or skipped for multiple engines and versions, just what you would expect:

it("blah is blah") do
  skip_for(engine: "jruby", reason: "This does not work on JRuby so skipping for now") # All JRuby versions will be skipped
  pending_for(engine: "rbx", reason: "This does not work on Rubinius so pending for now") # All rbx versions will be pending
  pending_for(engine: "ruby", versions:%w(1.9.3 2.0.0 2.1.0)) # uses the default message
  expect("blah").to eq "blah"