How I Go Again
I am upgrading my Hugo-based blog from v0.15 to v0.48 (extended)! Quite a mad leap. Update: As it turns out, extended won’t run on my (or any) shared hosting provider, and I am still building my site on my shared host. I know, that’s not cool anymore, but updating my deployment pipeline would require more time than I have.
My Architecture
Local is Mac
I am using a Mac for this process.
Host is Dreamhost
My host is Dreamhost shared hosting, because I have an unlimited plan with them, and they are fundamentally awesome in my experience, but this guide will probably work for whatever host I have. Deploying a static site means I don’t need an app server that eats barbells for breakfast.
Configured my web directory as:
Build is Hugo
Hugo is very customizable. Static doesn’t need to mean boring. There is also a wide range of possibilities with Javascript.
Theme is redlounge
So nice right?!? Have that source.
Enough evangelism, let’s talk code .
Setup the Web Host
Setup my computer to connect to my server.
I used ssh keys and my ~/.ssh/config
so I can just ssh <server name alias>
without any fuss. The one thing that always trips me up when I setup a new server for key -based auth is the permissions on the authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
So I ssh in to my server, and cleanup a bit from the old Hugo installs.
cd ~/debs
mkdir -p old_debs
mv hugo_0.14_amd64.deb old_debs/
mv hugo_0.15_amd64.deb old_debs/
I remove the old local hugo install.
rm -rf ~/root
Now I download and build the new Hugo.
mkdir -p $root
for d in *.deb; do echo "Installing $d"; dpkg -x $d $root; done
Then add Hugo’s bin
dir to my $PATH
I had already done this for the initial install 2 years ago, but the path has changed, so I had to fix it.
echo 'export PATH=~/root/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
You will be pushing my site’s git repo onto the server as a remote from my local. So prepare for that. I had already done this for the initial install 2 years ago, and it isn’t changing, so I skipped this step.
mkdir ~/railsbling.git
cd ~/railsbling.git
git init
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
Then checkout the theme I chose onto the server. I picked redlounge
(for now) from the options at the master theme repo.
I had already done this for the initial install 2 years ago, and it isn’t changing, so I skipped this step…
git clone ~/redlounge.git
And instead I just went into my redlounge.git
directory and did a git pull
Then tweak for my needs and make it my ~/railsbling.git/.git/hooks/post-receive
I had already done this for the initial install 2 years ago, but the path changed with the newer version of hugo (adds local
cat ~/railsbling.git/.git/hooks/post-receive
git clone $SITE_REPO $SITE_TMP
$HOME/root/usr/local/bin/hugo --theme="redlounge" -s $SITE_TMP -d $SITE_WWW -b ""
rm -Rf $SITE_TMP
Setup Local Development
Homebrew continues to kick ass and take names. Give it the name “hugo”, and brew will kick its ass.
$ brew install hugo
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring hugo-0.48.high_sierra.bottle.1.tar.gz
==> Caveats
Bash completion has been installed to:
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/hugo/0.48: 32 files, 37.2MB
Create this website and move in.
hugo new ~/Documents/hugo/railsbling
cd ~/Documents/hugo/railsbling
Create some pages
hugo new
hugo new
The top of each file before the +++
is called the frontmatter
, and it is the part where all the fancy config happens on a per post level, if any. For now ignore that.
Below the +++
is regular Markdown. So Blaze that Fireball and write some stuff in there.
Install the themes. Just grab them all initially so I can try out a bunch and find the one I like.
cd ~/Documents/hugo/railsbling
git clone --depth 1 --recursive themes
From the directory listing, pick a theme that has a name I am particularly drawn to, like “redlounge”, and execute it without prejudice.
The following can be run from any directory, so I have it aliased as bling
on my system.
hugo server --source ~/Documents/hugo/railsbling --buildDrafts --watch --theme redlounge --destination ~/Documents/hugo/drafts
Now I have the site running locally. Now comes the actual work.
Git it.
git init
git remote add live ssh://<username>/railsbling.git
git add .
git commit -m "Hot Toddy"
git push --set-upstream live master
Like magic, and unless I missed something in my writeup, my new site will deploy and be live!
Update: I am switching my theme to coder
Update to last Update: Actually… toha
is a great theme :)
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