ActiveRecord Without a Database?

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ActiveRecord Tablefree Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not bound to the database. This approach is useful for taking advantage of the features of ActiveRecord such as validation, relationships, nested_attributes, etc.

This can also be very useful in testing where a mock-like object will suffice.

This gem is exceptionally hacky. For an alternative solution, primarily aimed at testing, that is less hacky, see my other gem anonymous_active_record!

Why, why, why

Why would you ever consider this gem as opposed to ActiveModel?

ActiveModel::Model does not support relations and nested attributes.


ActiveRecord Tablefree is distributed as a gem, which is how it should be used in your app.

Include the gem in your Gemfile:

gem "activerecord-tablefree", "~> 3.0"

Supported Versions

Supported ruby version are

  • 2.2.x series higher than 2.2.2 (a Rails 5 requirement)
  • 2.3.x series
  • 2.4.x series
  • 2.5.x series

Supported ActiveRecord versions are

  • 5.0.x series
  • 5.1.x series
  • 5.2.x series

If you are using an older ActiveRecord version you can use the gem activerecord-tableless

This gem tries to maintain the same API as the older activerecord-tableless gem.


Define a model like this:

class ContactMessage < ActiveRecord::Base
  column :name, :string
  column :email, :string
  column :message, :string
  validates_presence_of :name, :email, :message

You can now use the model in a view like this:

<%= form_for :contact_message, @contact_message do |f| %>
  Your name: <%= f.text_field :name %>
  Your email: <%= f.text_field :email %>
  Your message: <%= f.text_field :message %>
<% end %>

And in the controller:

def contact_message
  @contact_message =
    @contact_message.attributes = params[:contact_message]
    if @contact_message.valid?
      # Process the message...

If you wish (this is not recommended), you can pretend you have a succeeding database by using

has_no_table :database => :pretend_success


Some model as before, but with an association to a real DB-backed model.

    class ContactMessage < ActiveRecord::Base
      column :message, :string
      column :email, :string
      validates_presence_of :name, :email
      belongs_to :contact, foreign_key: :email, primary_key: :email

    class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
      validates_presence_of :name, :email
      has_one :contact_message, foreign_key: :email, primary_key: :email, dependent: nil

Obviously the association is not full-fledged, as some traversals just won’t make sense with one side not being loadable from the database. From the ContactMessage you can get to the Contact, but not vice versa.

>> contact = 'Boo', email: '')
>> contact_message = contact)
=> ''